As we draw nigh  to the  end of  calendar year  2017, members of the  Dangbe Comme/Rada community of Trinidad/Antoine family, are putting themselves in  gear  to vist  the  Ancestral land  and places  from  where  their  family originated.

This journey has been  long in planning.

Many  government officials  and even  African  centered and conscious organizations  and  individuals  have not as yet  grasped  the deep cultural, social,political and  historic  importance of this  return  journey.

Many  citizens of Republic Trinidad & Tobago sometimes find it  cumbersome  to  attach  to themselves  the  designation African or person of African descent.

Members of the Antoine family at Oko Etura Iwori, Central Ile Ananani 2017

The Antoine family  of Belmont  have been  one of those  families  who  did  not  arrive  here  enslaved.

African  and other  anthropologists and  historians have documented  there story and  in  this  current time  members of the family  are  being  blessed  with  a return  journey to the  land of the family  origins.

Many  Trinbagonians  should have been showing interest in  this journey. However many  are  not well informed of this upcoming event.Even our  State  should  recognize the  spiritual and other significances of  such  a journey of  a sector of our  population that  though maintaining  their  spiritual and cultural links  with their  Ancestors  have  contributed  significantly  to the  development of Trinbagonian   culture especially in  the realm of performing arts,calypso, Trinidad style Carnival and more.

The Dangbe Comme/Rada community ofBelmont/Antoine family, are expected  to leave  at  the  end of  December on  this most important  return journey.

Former Great Hobonou of Dangbe Comme Rada community that is located in Belmont

It is the opinion  of this  web page that United Nations  Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization should  take interest  in this journey as  it  traces the  continuity of  knowledge retention of  cultures over land  and  sea by  people of  African  origin.

This  is the International Decade for People of African Descent  proclaimed  by  the U.N.

At this  very moment Caribbean  governments  are  supposed to be  attempting  to have redress on  issues  that would  include REPARATIONS  for enslaved Africans  and First Nations Peoples of the  Caribbean. Perhaps the  word have  not sufficiently gone out  to the public.

This  site  and it’s promoters hopes that  persons  who can  ensure  that  this historic  trip materialize will reach out to support this most  historic  journey .

The  author of this  article may  be reached  by EMAIL  at