Golden Jubilee celebrations continue

12 First Street Sparrow Dive
Simeon Road, Petit Valley
Republic Tinidad & Tobago
Ile Ananai ati Ile Aloubera, CARIBBEAN

Egbe Onisin Eledumare is an Alkebu-lan Heritage organization, located and functional in Republic Trinidad & Tobago

These lands were populated long before Cristobal Colon became lost and was discovered by the inhabitants he met here.

In 1970 a wave of planetary transformative consciousness energy engaged Ile Ananai ati Ile Aloubera.

Among one of its social manifestations was the Black Power Revolution/Uprising.

From that Mother Revolution several children were born.

Among them is Egbe Onisin Eledumare.

The members of Egbe Onisin Eledumare organized and sought several peaceful and non-confrontational avenues to express their concerns about the economic, cultural and social challenges they were facing as a significant sector of the society whole.

One such avenue sought was to apply for Consultative status at the United Nations.

This never was realized.

As we celebrate our Golden Jubillee we share this snippet of our history with you

“I would like to congratulate you and your organization for a job well done over the years.”

Professor Don Jacob (PURPLE DRAGON)

Contact Us

1 Example Street
Anytown, CA 10100